Day 6: Fartlek, Hospital PT presentation, Kerio View


The RTR team met Kip’s development professional team (KIPRUN) at 7am for their team workout: the fartlek, German for “speed play”. It is a weekly training staple in Kenya and can be any ratio of X minutes run hard/X minutes jog easy for any amount of reps. Danna and Beth joined in for the workout of 2min hard/2min easy, 15 reps… 30min total of hard running and 60 minutes of total running.

The RTR crew hopped in the KIPRUN van with coaches to follow the rolling hills, paved route and distribute water as needed. Even with the immense talent and elevated speed of these athletes, their grace and kindness encouraging their visitors is constant. We are all God’s children, pushing our bodies together and lifting each other up in unity to grow in body and mind.

Prior to our daily sports medicine clinic for the local runners the RTR physical therapy team of Beth, Danna, and Ken met with the PT department staff of Iten County Hospital over their lunch for a meet and greet and presentation. We demonstrated our assessment pearls for common athletic injuries involving the lower extremity, with application of exercise prescription based on findings. Our key points focused on the importance of finding the cause of athletic injury, not just focus on treating the symptoms. Our session was a great way to learn from each other and discuss similarities and differences in our approaches as movement specialists.

The RTR crew ended our Thursday and final night together as a team with dinner at Kerio View. The majestic views of the Rift Valley below, the panoramic view looking east from Iten, and the rainbow of colors the sky exposed as the sun set behind us was the art God creates.

We enjoyed celebrating Eli’s 17th birthday back at the guesthouse with cake, Kenyan mixed tea, and Bible study fellowship. We completed the book of Philippians with tonight’s theme “Running with good form” and focusing on exert: “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” This could not be more true and pure in our hearts with God this week, and our time in Kenya.





Happy 17th Birthday, Eli!