Not by might…

“Not by might nor by power, but by My Sprit, says the Lord of Hosts.” Zechariah 4:6

When the pastor spoke of this verse this past Sunday, he commented on how it is forces both thankfulness in bounty and hope in want. We should either realize that God has supplied, or that God can supply. The Running the Race team ends our day with both thankfulness and hope; testifying to our lack of power or might and our utter dependency on the Spirit. The need when one comes to Kenya can be overwhelming, and the more you accomplish, the more the need seems to appear.

We started the day at a track near Eldoret. Moses, a local FCA staff, met us there. Meeting with Moses was an amazing blessing. There was much dreaming of the ways we could come along side each other in ministry. These dreams, however, come with many obstacles and in our humanness can seem impossible. But then we are reminded that it isn’t meant to be by our might or power…but by the Spirit…hope.

We then met a team of coaches from the UK that have a humanitarian mission to provide coaching to promising runners who can’t afford a coach. We are both seeking to serve the athletes of this area. We quickly became friends and I am sure will continue to support each other in the future. They have a housing compound that we may be able to use on future trips. Again, an amazing blessing that was clearly orchestrated by God and not by our might or power…thankfulness.

The clinic this afternoon was our busiest one yet with 11 patients – 8 runners and 1 coach (all of which Running the Race was again able to pay for the fees which they could not afford)…thankfulness.

As the rest of the team manned the sports clinic, Lisa and I spent time in the hospital. I spent the afternoon with Dr. Mugalla. We saw 7 patients – all for the same reason – they had all just received a positive screen for hepatitis B. There is a hepatitis B outbreak right now in the area and with the lack of resources this creates a much more complicated reality. Not only did I feel a bit overwhelmed, but I also saw the fear in several of the patient’s faces. As we prayed with these patients and asked God for healing, we offered nothing of our might or power but claimed God’s ability to heal and His promise to be ever present…hope.


Lisa was able to serve patients on the ward and do some valuable teaching to the overworked, undereducated nurses. The Spirit gave Lisa the amazing ability to minister to the sick and dying and at the same time encourage the local clinical team…thankfulness.


We acknowledge that the most important work of the Spirit is the work of salvation. We admit we have no power to saves ourselves. The highlight of the day, was the fact that Ben was able to share the gospel with a Muslim runner. We pray that the Spirit would do the work of salvation in this young man’s life…thankfulness and hope. Please pray that we can connect him with a local pastor.


“And there is no creature hidden from His sight, but all things are open and laid bare to the eyes of Him with whom we have to do. Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession. Therefore, let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” Hebrews 4:13-14,16

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