What a day!
I didn’t sleep well last night but I managed to get out for what I thought would be an easy 30 minute run. About 2 miles in I was ready to turn around and go back when I was unexpectedly joined by a “sharply” outfitted Kenyan in white shoes doing his “easy” run. His feet must never touch the ground because there was not a speck of red dirt on his shoes.
I was very surprised that he started a conversation with me, (Kenyans never talk to each other during training, let alone a stranger), and even more surprised that he slowed to my pace. So I decided to carry on with him. The pace quickened but the conversation continued. Cornelius was his name and he runs in the Diamond League. His 10k is roughly 27:30 and 5k 13:00. I don’t remember his exact times but he is fast.
We ran about 3.5 miles together just chatting. We realized we had a mutual friend in Cheromei. I ran for almost an hour at 8000 feet of altitude and at a much faster pace than I wanted, but I realized this was a gift.
I suffered but it was an anxiety relieving experience. I always have some anxiety about our clinics and if any athletes would show up. This trip was no different and even more stressful with a new team. My own efforts to spread the word never seem to bring any relief. During my run I was praying about clinic just before Cornelius and his bright white shoes came along side me. I believe it was God’s way of saying, “I got this. Just keep pressing on.”
So I did. Clinic started slow and we had to wait for available rooms to use. Our clinic time had shrunk to about 2 hrs by the time we actually started. We had one patient in the first hour but we saw 7 patients by the end of the day and we had to tell 2 patients to come back tomorrow because it was getting late. This was the most patients we have seen on the first day compared to any previous trips.

Tyler and Amy were rock stars. We kept Tyler very busy teaching rehab programs to the athletes. Amy was mentoring Dr. Mugalla as he learns more about sports medicine. The athletes were grateful for the prayers we shared with them. New relationships were started and old ones renewed with Cheromei, Kip Byron, and Mugalla.

And we also filled up the morning putting together 50 first aid kits with donated supplies from Kingsway Charities, organizing our talks for tomorrow morning, and a short walking tour of Iten centre.

We finished the day with a discussion in Galatians 2. One my favorite and most challenging verses is Gal 2:20. A life transformed is a life lived out in faith. Something to chew on after a day that started with self reliance and doubt.
Gal 2:20 – My old self has been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me. So I live in this earthly body by trusting in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.
I thought this would be a day of easing into the routine of Iten. It was not what I expected..it was better.