Joy and Sadness

I wish I could express more clearly the range of emotions experienced each day. Sherri said it best…joy and sadness. What a joy to be able to use our gifts to serve these athletes. At the same time, sadness to see these athletes placing pressure on themselves to continue training, pushing their physical limits, for the small possibility of winning or placing in a race so they can feed their families. Malnourished athletes training morning and evening while hustling for food during the day. Some, just surviving, looking for food and a place to sleep. They do it because they have to support parents, spouses, or children. They do what they can while carrying a weight that most of us will never know.

These are the athletes we desire to serve. It is joy and sadness. Unfortunately we can’t remove them from the reality of their situation but we can give them hope. We help them treat their injuries so they can continue, we listen to their stories, we pray for them and their families, letting them know they are cared for and loved by God.

Galatians 5:13-14 …but through love serve one another. For the whole Law is fulfilled one word, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”

This morning I had a meeting with county government officials to request a release for Dr. Mugalla to do sports medicine training in the USA. Dr. Mugalla and Dr. Wechuli, (Head of Family Medicine at Kabarak Univ.) were with me for the meeting. We were very uncertain about the response we would get from the Minister of Health. The county hospitals have not been granting requests for medical leave and I assumed it would be no different here. Wechuli, Mugalla, and I met before the meeting and prayed that God would give us favor before the Minister of Health.

The meeting went exceptionally well. Our request was granted without hesitation. In fact, it was an exuberant yes. God is good and we are grateful for his provision. There are many details yet to be worked out. More to come on this topic later.

Our clinic in Eldoret was again very well attended. We had at least 30 patients. There is a definite need. We need to find a landing spot in Eldoret for future clinics.

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