“Jesus answered, ‘It is written: Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.” Matthew 4:4
As the rest of the Running the Race team headed back to the States, Jeremy and I journeyed on to Kapsowar to visit friends. Although I was excited to reunite with ones we love, I was also missing my kids and slightly jealous of those heading home. I questioned whether the extra two days were really necessary and even wondered how we would spend the time.
Well, now as we start our own long journey home (we are currently on a bumpy, dusty, dirt road headed to Eldoret), I am so full from the blessings of the past 2 days and so grateful to God for the ways He has once again met us and revealed Himself to us. When we first arrived, I inquired about our Kenyan friend, Mama Brian. For those of you who have followed our previous trips, she is the one that guided us up Mount Kipkunur and calls herself a friend and protector of missionaries. She has a beauty shop in town center and braided Ellie and Ella’s hair on the last trip. As I inquired, I learned the sad news that she has stage 3 breast cancer. She was excited to meet up with us and we spent about an hour walking and talking with her.

I believe one of the reasons God knitted Mama Brian and the missionaries together is “for such a time as this.” Culturally, it is hard for Kenyans to trust modern medicine – especially surgery and chemotherapy. However, because Mama Brian already trusted and loved the doctors in Kapsowar, she trusted them to treat her. She has now had a mastectomy and 3 of 8 cycles of chemotherapy. Through it all, her faith has grown and she spoke of the many ways that God has been ministering to her through her suffering. She especially spoke of her new found love for the Word of God and how it is sustaining her. Our trip devotions were on 1 Peter and she had just heard a sermon on 1 Peter 5 which was fresh on her mind and heart. We fellowshipped together of the hope that we find in Christ even in the midst of suffering. Please pray for Mama Brian and her 2 children – Brian who is a senior in high school and Jayden who is 6.
We also had sweet times of fellowship with friends including dinner with the Jones, chai with the McCurrys, Bible study on John 5 at the Rhodes, a Kenyan dinner hosted by the director of the hospital, and breakfast at the Rhodes. As we were saying our goodbyes, Kyle was doing rounds on the maternity ward and I had the opportunity to share the gospel with an 18 year old single mother. She wanted a bible and seemed interested in a relationship with Jesus. The chaplains will follow up. Pray for Mercy, that she will come to know Jesus as her personal Lord and Savior and that the Word of the Lord will sustain her as well.
“for you have been born again not of seed which is perishable but imperishable, that is, through the living and enduring word of God.” 1` Peter 1:23